Saturday, 22 November 2008

Week 3 Facebook discussion group

Well now I've created an Oxford Brookes ELSS discussion group on Facebook.

This was quite easy, but I was choosing options without a clear idea of what they would mean in practice - so it's a closed group (not open to the casual passerby), but I'm not quite sure how people can join it. I hope that makes sense!

I now have to find out if anyone else is on Facebook and whether I can invite them to join the group.

Any advice gratefully received!


mw said...

Sarah I'm on Face book under Marion Waite . Why don't you invite me to join, (you possibly will have to ask me to be your friend first) and we'll see what happens.


Sarah said...

Great Marion... nice to hear from you.

I'm glad there's someone out there!


Sarah said...

I think I have to invite you to be my friend first, then invite you to join the group... so slightly more complicated than I thought.

Sarah said...
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